The Concept Behind Tokyo’s Capsule Hotels
Capsule hotels were initially intended for tired Japanese corporate workers but are now attracting the attention of lots of tourists too. There is more to them than just capsule beds now.

Japan has some of the most overworked people in the whole world. People in Japan are known for commonly putting in over a hundred hours of unpaid work every month.


Since most of them live in the country’s suburbs and not in central Tokyo, where all the offices are, they have to commute for hours before they make it home. Japan had to declare a health crisis at one point where so many people died of strokes and heart attacks out of sheer stress and incapacity to rest or take care of their health.


So yes, the government managed to cap the unpaid overtime hours at no more than 100, which is laughable, but it might be where the strokes and heart attacks end (maybe). Alternatively, they also introduced capsule hotels in the heart of the city.


These capsule hotels have human-sized capsules where people can spend the night at an hourly rate. They are usually close to workplaces, so people do not have to commute for hours before getting a wink of sleep as well.


The concept was so new and unique that it also began attracting many tourists. People are intrigued by the idea of staying in a capsule hotel and often travel to Tokyo just for that experience.


So what exactly is it like in these capsule hotels? Let’s find out:


They’re Cramped


Anyone with even the slightest amount of claustrophobia will have a tough time spending the night in one of these hotels. Even the spacious ones are pretty cramped. If you are used to even a moderately high ceiling, spending a night comfortably in one of these capsules will be quite a daunting task.


If you want to rest for a bit and aren’t looking to sleep for a whole night, maybe they’re good for you then. If you’re not claustrophobic at all, they are pretty comfy.


There’s a Lot Of Variety


There is not just one type of capsule hotel. Some are better than others. Of course, the nicer ones cost more as well. And it is evident that the nice capsule hotels are mainly for tourists since the country’s workers have a different purpose for the hotels altogether.


The Hotels Have Other Services Too


The capsule hotels of Japan have a lot of other services. For example, some of them have dance shows to entertain their guests. On the other hand, some of these hotels also have spas and foot massage services. Some even have game rooms and common spaces for socialization.


They Get The Job Done


Tourists are genuinely intrigued by the hotels and do want to see if they can spend the night without feeling like they are being buried alive. For the people that these hotels were intended for, they do get the job done. They are well-used and comfortable enough that if you are truly checked out by the end of the day, you won’t notice that you’re sleeping in a hole.